Patch Parameters Common to the Entire Patch--Stretch Tuning

Stretch Tune Depth graph
(XP-80 Owner's Manual, pg. 47. Copyright 1996, Roland Corp.). This graph shows the effect of Stretch Tune Depth on the relative pitch as you go from low to high notes (left to right). A flat line (OFF) does not change the pitch of a sound as you go up the keyboard (C1 to C2 is exactly 1 octave, C2 to C3 is exactly 1 octave, etc.). As the Stretch Tune Depth is increased (1, 2, or 3), the relationship between the lower, middle, and upper keys are altered so that from C1 to C2 is slightly less than 1 octave, C3 to C4 is almost exactly 1 octave, and C6 to C7 is a bit more than 1 octave. Note that the above graph is not to scale and the change in pitch, even when Stretch Tune Depth is set to 3, is only very slight. Stretch Tuning is commonly used on keyboard instruments such as the Piano because it makes these instruments sound more full and rich.

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