Super JV Synth Graphs & Figures
If you're new to the Super JV synthesizer engine, or have just never tried to understand how Patches work--until recently, you will probably find these graphics helpful. They are all (so far) taken from the XP-80 Owner's Manual (see the credits & disclaimer) and help you visualize what actually is being changed (and how it affects the sound) when you adjust a parameter in a Patch.
- Classification of Super JV Sound Types
- Tone structure
- Patch structure
- Rhythm Set structure
- Performance structure
- How Effects Units Work in Different Modes
- In Patch mode
- In Performance mode (with a Part's Output Assign set to "EFX")
- In Performance mode (with a Par's Output Assign set to "PATCH")
- Functions of Patch Parameters
- Stretch Tune Depth
- Portamento Start pitch (when set to "PITCH")
- Portamento Start pitch (when set to "NOTE")
- Method of using the Booster to create PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) sound
- Ring Modulator operation
- Tone velocity range crossfading
- Pitch envelope
- TVF (Time-Varient Filter) envelope
- TVA (Time-Varient Amplifier) envelope
- Tone Structures (1 through 5)
- Tone Structures (6 through 10)
- LFO & Control Parameters
I will be adding to this list in the future, but it takes considerable time, so it may be a while before I get to it again. Things to add will include:
- Structures for (sound path through) all 40 of the EFX insert effects
If you have suggestions or comments (or anything else you'd like to say to me), e-mail me, I'm open for suggestions.
Graphics version: Main Page || Patches || MIDIs || Specs || Links
This page accessed
times since August 30, 1998.
E-mail Nate.